

Jauregi, K. “Task development for telecollaboration among youngsters”, Antwerp Call 2015, 6-8 July 2015, Tarragona (ES)

Kohn, K. & Hoffstaedter, P. “Flipping intercultural communication practice: opportunities and challenges for the foreign language classroom”, Antwerp Call 2015, 6-8 July 2015, Tarragona (ES)

Kriz, M. “Op weg naar modern en effectief onderwijst NVT: de Europese projecten NIFLAR, TILA en IFIT in de praktijk”, Regionaal Colloquium Neerlandicum, Katedra nederlandistiky, Filozoficka fakulta Univerzity Palackeho v Olomouci, Olomouc, the Czech Republic & Ustav germanistiky, nordistiky a nederlandistiky, Filozoficka fakulta, Masarykova univerzita Brno, the Czech Republic,  20-23 May 2015, Brno (CZ)

Kohn, K. "Neue Wege des interkulturellen Fremdsprachenlernens durch Telekollaboration - Erfahrungen aus dem EU-Projekt TILA“, PAD Conference „The International Dimension in Teacher Training – Impulses from International School Exchange, 11-12 May 2015, Bonn (DE)

Melchor-Couto, S.  “The Impact of Virtual Worlds on Foreign Language Anxiety”, keynote given at the III Conference New Technologies in Language, Literature, Media Studies and Journalism . University of Valencia. 22 April 2015, Valencia (ES)

Pennock-Speck, B., Clavel-Arroitia, B. “Telecollaboration and intercultural competence”, III Conference New Technologies in Language, Literature, Media Studies and Journalism, 22 April 2015, Valencia (ES)

Jauregi , K. “The European project: TILA”, Keynote at TILA conference, 16 April 2015, Utrecht University (NL)

Clavel-Arroitia, B., Bonet, J. S., Verheijen; E. “TILA experiences in telecollaboration between schools in Nijmegen/Meliana.” TILA conference, 16 April 2015, Utrecht (NL)

Derivry, M. &  Delbes, L.  “Making the most of TILA with few resources”, TILA conference, 16 April 2015, Utrecht (NL)

Hoffstaedter, P. “Focus on spoken communication through intercultural telecollaboration”, TILA conference, 16 April 2015, Utrecht University (NL)

Jauregi, K. & Helen Meyers & Bart Pardoe “Learning German while playing interactive games in virtual worlds”, TILA conference, 16 April 2015, Utrecht University (NL)

Zwart, N. Workshop: “Samenwerken in een virtueel taaldorp” (Collaboration in a virtual language village), Nationaal Congres Duits, 6 March 2015, Lunteren (NL) and Nationaal Congres Engels, 13 March 2015, Ede (NL)

Melchor-Couto, S. “Online Language Exchanges: Bring the world into your classroom”, Independent School’s Modern Languages Association Annual Conference, 31 Jan 2015

Jauregi , K. “Investigación de procesos de telecolaboración aplicados a la enseñanza de segundas lenguas: Resultados parciales y retos del proyecto europeo TILA”, 28 Jan 2015, Girona (ES)


Jauregi, K. & S. Melchor-Couto “Integrating telecollaboration practices in secondary education: lessons learnt in the European Project TILA”, Online Educa Berlin Conference, 2-4 Dec 2014, Berlin (DE)

Kohn, K. „Telekollaboration und interkultureller Fremdsprachenerwerb im Sekundarschulbereich. Erfahrungen aus dem EU-Projekt TILA", Expolingua Berlin, 22. Nov 2014, Berlin (DE)

Jauregi, K. “Retos de la enseñanza de lenguas en la era digital”, Keynote, Congreso Internacional SEDLL, 19 Nov 2014, Valencia (ES)

Pennock-Speck, B.,  Clavel-Arroitia, B. “Analysis of teachers roles in telecollaboration in the context of a European funded project (TILA project)”, 38th AEDEAN Conference, 12-14 Nov 2014, Alcalá de Henares (ES)

Jauregi, K. „Open Sim in het talenonderwijs: kansen en uitdagingen“, Conferentie Virtuele Werelden in het onderwijs. Fontys Leraren Opleiding Tilburg, 13 Nov 2014, Tilburg (NL)

Jauregi, K. & Koenraad, T. „Wat zijn virtuele werelden en wat kun je allemaal mee in het onderwijs?“, Keynote Fontys Leraren Opleiding Tilburg, 13 Nov 2014, Tilburg (NL)

Jauregi, K., Dijkstra, L.  &  Zwart, N.  „Betekenisvolle communicatie in de doeltaal met behulp van internet tools: kansen en uitdagingen“, Landelijke Studiedag Levende Talen. 7 Nov 2014, Utrecht (NL)

Jauregi, K. “Vreemde talen betekenisvol leren”, Landelijke conferentie Taal op Koers voor het MBO, 29 Oct 2014, Nieuwegein (NL)

Jauregi, K. “Comunicación significativa en la clase de ELE a través de las nuevas tecnologías: un reto viable”, Brussels: KU Leuven (in collaboration with Consejería de Educación), 27 Sept 2014, Brussels (BE)

Tarazona Arnau, A. (Degree student, University of Valencia), “Tellecollaboration to Teach Language Skills and Intercultural Competence”, Las Nuevas Tecnologías en las Filologías y la Comunicación, 25-26 of September, Valencia (ES)

Hoffstaedter, P. & Kohn, K. "Telekollaboration für den interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht: Aufgabendesign und Implementierung von Kursen" (Workshop), GMF-Bundeskongress Fremdsprachen, 25-27 Sept 2014, Freiburg (DE)

Pennock-Speck, B.: “Aprendiendo lenguas y adquiriendo la competencia intercultural a través de un proyecto Europeo de telecolaboración (TILA)”,  Universitat Politècnica de València, 4 Sept 2014, Valencia (ES)

Kohn, K. “Teaching towards ELF competence in the English classroom. ELF 7 Conference, Athens, 4-6 Sept 2014, Athens (EL)

Hoffstaedter, P. & Kohn, K. “Task design for intercultural telecollaboration in secondary schools. Insights from the TILA project”, Eurocall 2014, 20-23 August 2014,

Jauregi, K.  & R. de Graaff “New Perspectives in processes & outcomes of telecollaboration in foreign language curricula”, AILA Conference 2014, 14 Aug 2014, Brisbane (AUS)

Jauregi, K. & Derivry, M. “European Language Teachers’ beliefs on Intercultural Communicative Competence”, AILA Conference 2014, 14 Aug 2014, Brisbane (AUS)

Jauregi, K. & Melchor-Couto, S. “Researching Telecollaboration in Secondary Schools”, Antwerp CALL, 7-9 2014. Research Challenges in CALL

Clavel-Arroitia, B. “Blended learning and the implementation of new technologies: How to enhance the process of teaching and learning English”, Research Seminar, Language Research Centre, Swansea University, 4 June 2014

Jacob, H. "TILA - Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Aquisition", iMedia, 3 June, 2014, Mainz (DE)

Jauregi, K. & Derivry, M. “Strategies to engage teachers in telecollaborative activities: insights from the TILA project”, EuroCall Teacher Education Special Interest Group, Workshop, 23 May 2014, Nice (FR)

Kohn, K. "Beyond communicative language teaching: new sociolinguistic realities, new challenges, new opportunities", International Conference: Inter-disciplinarity, Multi-disciplinarity and Trans-disciplinarity in Humanities, 15-17 May 2014, Kayseri (TR)

Zwart, N. “Virtual language village (in OpenSim)”, Nationaal Congres Duits over digitaal onderwijs, 11 April 2014, Amsterdam (NL)

Kohn, K. „Telekollaboration und die Alltäglichkeit des interkulturellen Fremdspracherlernens“, AKS-Arbeitstagung, 27 Feb – 01 March 2014, Braunschweig (DE)

Jauregi, K. “Empowering teachers for integrating telecollaboration in their teaching ”, Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education, University of León, Spain, 12-14 February 2014, León (ES)

Kohn, K. “Telecollaboration, lingua franca communication, and speaker satisfaction”, Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education, University of León, Spain, 12-14 February 2014, León (ES)


Kohn, K. “Intercultural Communication Practice 2.0”, Online Educa Berlin, 4-6 Dec 2013, Berlin (DE)

Jauregi, K. & R. de Graaff, “Meaningful interaction in the target language by using interactive internet tools”, Workshop at National Conference for Language Teachers, 9 Nov 2013, Utrecht (NL)

Melchor-Couto, S. & E. Vilar, “Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition”, The Language Show (Olympia). Seminar on the use of telecollaboration for language learning. 20 Oct 2013, London (UK)

Jauregi, K. “Herramientas virtuales en las clases de ELE”, Workshop for Teachers of Spanish organised by the association of Language Teachers, 23 Sep 2013, Utrecht (NL)

Pennock, B.  & Clavel Arroitia, B. "Los roles docentes en la telecolaboración: el proyecto TILA". Jornada Innovación Educativa: Usos de las nuevas tecnologías en la docencia, investicación y entornos profesionales. Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació, Universitat de València, 19 Sept 2013, Valencia (ES)

Jauregi, K., Melchor-Couto, S., Vilar, E. “Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition, a European Project”, EUROCALL Conference, 11-14 Sept 2013, Évora (PT)

Zwart, N. “TILA project in OpenSimulator”, OpenSimulator Community Conference, 7 Sept 2013, online

Melchor-Couto, S. & E. Vilar “El uso de la telecolaboración para el aprendizaje de lenguas: el proyecto TILA. Paper presented at the III Encuentro para profesores de centros universitarios y de centros formadores de ELE”, University of Roehampton, 21 June 2013, London (UK)

Kriz, M. “Evropske projekty NIFLAR, TILA a IFIT jako priklady vyuzivani elektronickych opor v jazykove vyuce (CALL)”, Rara Avis X Conference: the Xth international philological conference, Katedra slovenskeho jazyka a literatury, Filozoficka fakulta Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Trnava, Slovak Republic, 2-3 May 2013, Trnava (SK)

Kohn, K. “E-learning for languages: the human dimension”, TESOL Arabia, 14-16 March 2013, Dubai (UAE)

[Aug 7, 2014] Kohn, K., E-Learning in der Lehrerweiterbildung. Workshop "E-Learning in der Qualifizierung von Lehrern im Ausland", Universität Leipzig, 7. Aug. 2014. [download]

[July 1, 2014] Melchor_Couto, S., Seminar on telecollaboration delivered to 20 teachers from bilingual primary schools from Madrid. Delivered on 1 July 2014 at University of Roehampton.

[June 26, 2014] Melchor_Couto, S., Seminar on telecollaboration delivered to 8 trainee Spanish teachers as part of the Graduate Certificate in Spanish Language Teaching to Adults (GCSLTA), by Instituto Cervantes and accredited by University of Roehampton. Delivered on 20 June 2014 at Instituto Cervantes (London).

[May 16, 2014] Kohn, K., "Telecollaboration for monolingual & multilingual communication practice: Insights from the European projects TILA and EVIVA", Melikşah University, School of Foreign Languages & ELL Club, 6 May 2014, Talas/Kayseri (TR) [download]

[May 16, 2014] Kohn, K., "Beyond communicative language teaching: new sociolinguistic realities – new challenges – new opportunities", International Conference "Inter‐disciplinarity, Multi‐disciplinarity and Trans‐disciplinarity in Humanities",15‐17 May 2014, Kayseri (TR) [download]

[Feb 28, 2014] Kohn, K., „Telekollaboration und die Alltäglichkeit des interkulturellen Fremdsprachenerwerbs“, AKS-Arbeitstagung, 27 Feb – 01 March 2014, Braunschweig, (DE) [download]

[Feb 12-14, 2014] Kohn, K., “Telecollaboration, lingua franca communication, and speaker satisfaction”, Conference on "Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education", 12-14 February 2014, León (ES) [download]

[Feb 12-14, 2014] K. Jauregi: "Empowering teachers for integrating telecollaboration in their teaching", Conference on "Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education", 12-14 February 2014, León (ES) [download]

[Dec 4-6, 2013] Kohn, K., “Intercultural Communication Practice 2.0”, Online Educa Berlin, 4-6 Dec 2013, Berlin (DE) [download]

[Oct 20, 2013] Melchor-Couto, S. & E. Vilar: “Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition”, The Language Show (Olympia). Seminar on the use of telecollaboration for language learning, 20 Oct 2013 in London (UK) [download]

[Sept 11-14, 2013] Jauregi, K.,  S. Melchor-Couto & E. Vilar: “Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition, a European Project”, EUROCALL Conference, 11-14 Sept 2013, Évora (PT) [download]

[June 12, 2013] Melchor-Couto, S. & E. Vilar: "El uso de la telecolaboración para el aprendizaje de lenguas: el proyecto TILA", III Encuentro para profesores de centros universitarios y de centros formadores de ELE, University of Roehampton, 21 June 2013, London (UK) [download]

[April 7, 2013] Zwart, N., “TILA project in OpenSimulator”, OpenSimulator Community Conference, Online

[March 14-16, 2013] Kohn, K. “E-learning for languages: the human dimension”, TESOL Arabia, Dubai (UAE) [download]

Última modificación: Thursday, 16 de July de 2015, 18:40