Overview of telecollaboration tools and affordances
In TILA we have chosen to work with user-friendly and safe tools that allow pupils to engage in intercultural communication. On the one hand we propose asynchronous tools (discussion forum, wiki), on the other we propose synchronous tools (text chat, videocommunication, 3D virtual world). Almost all of them are accessible through our learning environment, the Moodle platform.
Each tool offers its own advantages and challenges. For a quick overview of the affordances of each tool, see below, or click in the alphabet above. For more specific information about each tool, please refer to the different submenus of the ‘Telecollaboration Tasks and Tools’ section on the website.
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Video conferencingTools
Useful for
Usefull for |
ForumA forum is basically a bulletin board, a means for asynchronous communication with a group of users. Tools
Usefull for
Demo video about forum in Moodle
BlogTools (and links to websites)
Demo vidoe of a Moodle blog
Useful for
Watch the following demo video about wikis in Moodle
MoodleMoodle is a one-stop shop learning platform offering a variety of social networking features:
In addition, teachers can
____________________________ Alternative social educational platform: see "Edmodo", "Mahara" |
MaharaMahara is a combination of an ePortfolio and a social networking system. Students can create blogs, upload files, embed resources from the web and collaborate with other users in groups. Mahara provides a comprehensive blogging tool, a social networking facility where users can create and maintain a list of Friends, a Resumé Builder allowing users to create digital CVs. Users can share information through a variety of optional profile information fields. Go to the following Mahara website to watch a demo and learn more about the different features Mahara provides. Mahara demo video and description of its features Interface with Moodle - Mahara also provides a single-sign on capability that allows users to be automatically logged in to both their Mahara and Moodle accounts.
This is what you can do with Maraha (these are screenshots from the Mahara website www.demo.mahara.org):
Edmodo„Edmodo is regarded as a social networking site for teachers and students. It provides a free and secure social learning space for a class to connect and collaborate. Teachers and students can post messages, discuss topics, assign and grade class work, and share digital content such as links, pictures, videos, documents and presentations.” (Edmodo Review “Social Networking for Schools”, http://edjudo.com/edmodo-review-social-networking-for-teachers-and-students.html) Features:
Edmodo Website: www.edmodo.com
Demo videos:
Scoop itScoop it allows you/your students to publish a newspaper/magazine, with content from the web and including own postings, pictures, films... Followers may comment the postings.
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3D Virtual WorldsTools
Usefull for